May you and yours have a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend!
We are wish to show our thanks and gratitude for so many things!
We thank you for making the challenging transition to reopen.
We thank you for the courage and trust you have in returning to the studio.
We thank you for continuing your studies and keeping up your practice.
We thank you for teaching us and keeping us inspired with your continued growth and improvement.
We thank you for keeping it safe for all those wishing to participate.
Our collective efforts help us stay safe and healthy while being able to open in a limited capacity. We will continue our efforts while monitoring the situation. So thank you for your understanding and continued support.
There are no scheduled classes or events for thanksgiving Monday October 12.
cSPACE King Edward is still on restricted public access so in order for you to gain entry when the doors are locked you can use the keypad to the left of the NE entrance and punch in our address #410 or scroll through. The list is alphabetical, so Atelier Artista is near the top. From here, we can buzz you in remotely. Or you can enter through the coffee shop door on the south side they are usually open.
If you have class on nov. 11 the building will be closed to the public so you will have to buzz for access.

If you are looking for some new class opportunities we are continuing to list them as they come up. Both Bobbi Dunlop and Geoff Klepeis have just listed their next sessions on the website.Check them out and sign up before they quickly fill up.
Investigating the figure with Geoff Klepeis:
Painting the Figure in Oils with Geoffrey Klepeis:
Power up your Paintings with Bobbi Dunlop:
Figure Painting, from Life with Bobbi Dunlop:
There are spots available for some of the Tuesday and Wednesday evening figure sessions but you must register online and pay for sessions before hand as we are limiting participant numbers in the studio space. If it says "out of stock" its because there are already at full capacity. Please do not just show up, it breaks our hearts to turn people away because we can no longer operate sessions as drop in for the time being. Go here to sign up for upcoming sessions:

There are a few openings for Friday Figure so please send an email if this is something that may interest you. 1/2 hr of instruction followed by 2 hrs of drawing with a live model. Email or DM through the contact form to inquires if there is space available.
Thanks again,
thats all for now see you after the long weekend!