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Study the

THE BEAUTY OF THE HUMAN FIGURE is the foundation for our work here at the Atelier Artista studio. We offer Figure Courses and Weekly Drop-in style sessions multiple times per week..

We have early morning sessions:

RISE & DRAW Mondays 9:30-12:30

& TGIF Fridays 9:30-Noon (instructed)

Join us for our evening drop-in sessions: 


Monday night Long Pose 7 - 10 pm 

Wednesday night Short Pose & 6:30-9:30

We reward practicing regularly. Check out our "Multi-pass" if you want to save on multiple sessions.


*No sessions on stat holidays

Registration is easy!

Click the SESSION LISTING BELOW for more information on the course.


• You will receive an email confirming your spot.


• Be sure to put it in your calendar and show up on the first day of class.

• As per our policies, courses with low enrolment (less than 4) will be cancelled. You can choose refund or use your credits toward another course.