It may be April Fools Day but we aren't kidding around.

Thank you to all who have expressed concern about the studio during this closure. We miss having you in our physical space—it seems so big and empty without the students and participants—but don't fret we are working on it!
Our aim is to continue to offer the best learning opportunities to the creative community however that ends up looking. Rest assured we are working on it! We have been proactive and acted fast to protect our valued community.

Bunny has been busy creating quality instructional videos on the Atelier Artista Youtube Channel to keep everyone up to speed on their skills and knowledge. The videos take a lot of work but we will be posting them as soon as we can so you can keep learning. If you haven't subscribed yet please do so HERE. Be sure to turn on the notification bell so that you get the latest videos as soon as they are released. We have also created a videos page for you on the website.
We are planning to create online course packages and are looking into the the best platform to suit our needs. Please reply to this email if there is anything you are currently interested in and we will try to build our programming around your suggestions.
In the meantime we have new online sessions starting up.* Stay tuned for simultaneous live streaming on Instagram IG TV and on the Atelier Artista Youtube so you don’t miss a thing. (Bear with us as we figure this out—fingers crossed we can iron out the kinks and present these online sessions the best way we can).
We are excited to announce that will be offering online learning opportunities starting TONIGHT at 6:00pm with a Long Pose session.
Set reminders for these sessions and hit up either Atelier Artista Instagram Live or the Atelier Artista Youtube Channel Live Stream.
Get a live view of the full long pose drawing process. We will set the timer for you and the reference will be visible. Please feel free to turn on your own music.
Thursday 7:00pm Figure Drawing
Our model @bella_bizarre has kindly offered to pose for you on Instagram.
Really, this will be a fun rant about whatever artistic things have come up in the previous week. People need art more now than ever! Bring the light. Embrace Art!

We hope you partake. Please feel free to give us feedback so that we can continue improving. If things go well we can add more next week!
Thank you,
The Atelier Artista team.
*To help fund Bunny’s efforts, you can go to the website and buy the full resolution reference images for this week’s sessions and draw along. You are welcome to join in for no cost at all; we know times are tough so we hate to ask, but sometimes life gives us lemons and we want to make lemonade!