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Well that was interesting...

Inspired Impulse of Passionate mistake?

I spontaneously jumped on the opportunity to share what we do at Atelier Artista with the world at the taboo convention at the BMO this weekend. I didn't not know what I was getting into. I haven't done a trade show for the art school before, I don't even have a banner. But I did my best. I was definitely in way over my head. But I wasn't going to give up so here we go....

I had no idea what I was getting into and I most certainly wasn't prepared. After classes on Friday I loaded up my SUV with what I thought may be good for a booth. I honestly didn't know what this was going to be like but I was happy to been provided with a booth and a stage by Darryl at taboo. Good thing I have a camping table and some fun fur in my car always, just in case. Rosi came to help load in, we trucked in all the equipment by hand as there weren't any carts available. Lucky for us we were close to the loading dock and didn't have too much to bring in.

This event was a huge learning curve and quite the experience. Although I wasn't sure if this was the right crowd for figure drawing you never know with marketing, there are always artists in any bunch. We spent the weekend drawing the model Ty the first two nights.. and they were long. It went until midnight... way past my bedtime.

After paying for Parking and Electrical and some other expenses, I figured this would be a loss leader and I'd chalk it all up to a valuable "learning experience" and that it was. The next day I had another gig booked with Holt Renfrew (more on that in another post) So I was doing long full hours becoming a dull boy, but then again is my life ever dull? This weekend nearly killed me. There were plenty of half nude people walking around the show and even a performer who painted with his penis. We all have a calling of some sort. Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work?! lol.

For me there was lots of questioning what I'm doing, existential crisis and overthinking time for the the mind to be contemplating my life, how I'd do this differently in the future as I block out the noise and crowds and focus on drawing. It was challenging on many levels. That being said I'm so thankful Rosi offered to help because there is no way I could pull this off on my own. She drew throughout and modelled on the second day too. For the most part we showed off what we can do drawing from a live model and having passers by try their hand too.

By day two I could barely sit straight due to bad artist posture and too log of drawing. I think i'm trained up now for Draw 'til you drop in two weeks! It was really busy Saturday night and many whisky breathed close talkers leaned in to yell how much they liked my work. No sales but I did give out a lot of business cards. Yu chen dropped by in her rabbit ears. I have a soft spot for Bunnies for obvious reasons.

Sunday didn't start until noon at least, it was a lot slower and Rosi modelled and drew with her fella. I got a chance to run around the event and see what other booths were offering. I picked up a big bag of dog treats for my 7 lb. furry freeloading roommate Ruby. I will be glad to be away from all the people and noise. I eagerly awaited trying to fit the two loads I brought into one vehicle and get it back to my studio. It took me until late to unload everything and set up for the next days Rise and Draw session. It got done and I earned a nice hot bath afterward, and went straight to sleep.

It was a unique experience thats for sure. I would do so many things different now that I know. I'll contemplate future trade shows as its always good to get the word out and show what we can do adn all the cool things we have on offer at the studio.

ATELIER ARTISTA can be the key help you unlock your creativity.

We still have classes running and drop in 4 times per week so use up those multi-passes if you got 'em.

For those creatives that are tough to shop for.....we have our first annual Holiday Sale it has its own menu item at the top of the website.

This year get gift certificate or private and group classes are on an incredible discount until December 21st. If you have a party or group or just want one on one for you take a look.

Speaking of the holidays.............

Planning is happening for the Annual Christmas party: Dec. 16th 3pm - 9pm and you know that I throw a great shindig! More info on that to come.


We are also a community partner at GIRAF animation festival (NOv. 16-19th) hosted by quickdraw that starts tomorrow and theres plenty to see all weekend so check it out. As many of you know I've been involved with animation for quite a while. My Thursday night class with be at the 6:30 screening because I worked on two of the films that will be there. Atelier Artista is also a community partner for the Sunday screenings.


We are a community partner with quickdraw for Sundays Screening. We have a few tickets to give away All you have to do it name Bunny's first student animation and be the first in line as they are fist come first serve. Email us or DM on instagram.

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