Summer seemed to just fly by. We did multiple summer camps this year. The studio is closed until the 13th. Bunny is currently up working in the Yukon until September 11th. He is returning for his Birthday (Sept. 12) It's been a real crunch to get ell the upcoming sessions listed and on the website but they are there for you, we are already getting sign ups so hurry and register so you get a spot. space is limited, as is the furniture, first come first serve, the website counts down the spots and once they are filled they are gone. More info below, get it while its hot!

So far we have 4 figure sessions per week with a live model. Our Monday painting class. A portrait drawing class. A course for youth. Plus Inna has already begun teaching her watercolour classes on Sundays.
Go to the website to find out all the great stuff going on.
On Sundays Bunny has continued his tattooing apprenticeship hoppy with Matt Brunning at Good News Tattoos in Kensington. We spontaneously decided to throw together an art show partnered together with Spanicarts opening September 16th 7 pm onward. Over 40 artists have promised to make work, fingers crossed. Hopefully its the show not to miss, you are invited!

We decided to throw in an extra warm up session for those who feel they would like to get in a bit of extra time in before our regular seasons session begin the week of September 18th.

Keep reading these emails if you aren't on Instagram or seeing things on facebook as more will be released as the month rolls out.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you at the studio soon enough!