Can you believe its finally here?
Registration begins August 31st at 7am.
The Studio reopens September 27th 9 am.
Space is limited.
First Come first serve.
Sign up now!
We have so many exciting things to offer you this fall semester. Plus two free open house events for Art Walk Sept. 18 and Alberta Culture Days Sept. 25th 12-4pm
*If you have credit with us due to the closure, fear not, we keep very good records. Still register to ensure you get a spot in what you want by simply using the "Pay Offline" option. We will iron out the details using the attendance record during the first sessions.
Early Birds get the worm!
RISE & DRAW is back Monday Mornings 9 - Noon for 12 sessions Starting September 27th.
You can save by buying the full semester pass or just select individual drop in dates.
If you cant get in for Mondays or if you want a little more guidance we will be offering a new opportunity Friday Mornings starting with 1/2 hr of theory and demos on the fundamentals of studying figure drawing followed by 2 hours f focused practice from life.
Practice make Perfect....
We are excited to be restarting our regular drop in Figure sessions:
Tuesday short pose and Wednesday long pose. This semester we are going to try and start and end a bit earlier so the NEW times are 6:30 - 9:30.
You wont want to miss these opportunities:
Geoffrey Klepeis is offering two exciting figure courses:
Bobbi Dunlop is back with us too, doing a painting studio Thursday:
We have new classes and are programming week-end workshops like this:
2 day portrait in oil painting workshop
Saturday & Sunday October 16th & 17th, 2021 9:00am - 4:00pm Cost: $550 $450 Early bird price by September 27th * includes model fees for day 2