It's that time of year to put those thoughts & resolutions into actions.

Personally I always have huge plans and ideas formed over the holidays that I want to put into action in the new year. Not everyone is into resolutions for whatever reasons but I think they work, if you keep them positive. Select what you will do rather than what you will give up. Like promise yourself to use up all those multi-passes you bought! You know who you are.
In this newsletter:
Bunny back from Japan
Drop in figure sessions Monday, Wednesday nights have already begun.
Did you know? Resources available
RISE & DRAW starts Monday Jan 27th.
John Wester's 80th B-day
Painting classes
Things to see (exhibitions by our creatives)
The menu
Bunny's finally back from Japan. There was a danger I wouldn't come back. It was truly wonderful but I don't want to be that guy who only talks about his vacation to Japan constantly afterward. If you ask I'll report though.
It was a whirlwind adventure full of art, temples, shrines, galleries, great food, more food, studio Ghibli and my first time to any Disney park. I saw western art too and ate sooo much. That is just to name a few of the sights and sounds and tastes. Since many are asking to see pictures below (at the end of this newsletter entry), without contest I assembled some aesthetics is a small gallery at the for your perusal if you choose.
TGIF FRIDAY 9:30 - Noon
We had a jam packed TGIF so its of utmost importance that you register for upcoming classes before they begin as there is only so much space and equipment. After donkeys we have easels and drawing tables to accommodate so plan accordingly, bring a back up sketch book in case theres no drawing boards available if you come late.. Â We don't want to send anyone away, and will do what we can to accommodate everybody.
Did you Know?
There are many resources for you under the Website Menu at the top right under "More.." There are how to sharpen and warm up videos as well as 35 follow along long pose livestreams as well as other figure resources here.
John Wester's 80th B-day was Jan. 17th! We will be celebrating 10 days late when he's back in the classroom on Monday January 27th during the first RISE & DRAW of the season 9:30 - 12:30.
We have a daytime and one evening for acrylic and oil painters where you paint what you want under guidance with demos, lessons etc. Due to class size and the need for specialized equipment we keep a limit on the number of students, its first come first serve, so ensure you register your spot below if you haven't done so.
Things to see: Until the end of the month check out the cSPACE Galleries.
Greg Doherty has a colourful display of paintings on the first level of cSPACE, be sure to take your time and enjoy them before or after sessions.
Reva Diana, who hosts the Monday night long pose sessions, has a portrait on the 2nd floor amongst other artists to check out.
John Ross (insta: johnyayart) will be having a one day exhibition of his work that he painted everyday for an entire year. 7 pm Friday Feb. 7 @ 122 Studio (4029 8th st. SE)
We hope that your new year is good.and that if you are new to the atelier or exploring a new approach this year that Atelier Artista can be part of your journey. If you made resolutions, intentions, to fortify your practice, whether it's long pose you do or short pose with Luke, whether you want to learn in the mornings or are preparing a show, painting more, keeping a sketch book...

Wherever you are in your artistic Journey we hope that Atelier Artista can be the host with the most!