Guess who’s back, back again...

I have wanted to visit one place at the top of my bucket list since high school….
Iceland! I have a Virgo Birthday Sept. 12th and to celebrate this year I took a spontaneous trip to Iceland in order to fill my well with inspiration of the beauty and immensity of nature. That way my tank is full to spill over into your cup before we get locked into out Autumn semester. It was unbelievable!
For your enjoyment, I pulled a smattering of pics off my DSLR for you to peruse.
Iceland was surprisingly expensive, it is a remote island after all. Beyond that, it is awe inspiring in its grandeur while remaining untouched and inhospitable. I felt at times like I was in a movie, like a CG dragon would come flying out of the next cave. The water was clean and crisp and I was blessed with as good weather as once could have in a place called “Iceland”. Before our city becomes a frozen Iceland, you need to get registered so we can get these classes started. Courses begin soon.
Our regular Figure sessions have already been running a couple of weeks.
Monday Long pose 7 - 10 pm.
Wednesday Short poses 6:30 - 9:30
RISE & DRAW begins Monday September 23rd at a new later start time 9:30, register for the whole semester of feel free to drop in.
DIRECTED STUDIES in Paint begins Monday at 2pm - 4:30.
We have a COLOUR THEORY IN PRACTICE FOR PAINTERS slated for Tuesday nights and We will bring back the longer poses Thursdays if theres enough interest. So let me know, I cant read minds all I see is the registrations and I cannily plan for what I can afford.
Check out TGIF if you want to get instruction and coaching on how to better work from a live model.
Last call for registration for fall.
I look forward to when you are in next, lets get creative!
Warmly Bunny