Contrary to popular action, now is not the time to give up. I know, I know its challenging. But nothing easy is worth doing anyway.

Last week was "quitter Friday". Thats when most people have abandoned their new years resolutions. I sure hope that doest affect any of you! It's time to refresh those resolutions and commitments to practice art more. Practice makes progress after all.
It's not glamours, but its a fact. Show up more. Consistency is the road to growth. Come into the beautiful studio as often as you can. I need buts on Donkeys and at easels to make this world a better place though art. Which is why we have the flexible policy described further below.
If you keep it up, just think in a year you will be so much further than where you are now, and you'll never look back! We've got to plan on a longer term trajectory. Rome wasn't built in a day. You cant learn a language, a musical instrument or a martial art overnight, art is no different!
Get a multi-pass, drop in or register for the next two courses that are coming up.

As many of you know through word of mouth or absence. We go against the norm, regular policies are if you miss a class for any reason thats money lost. But not here.
Art takes time and I know in our adult lives that things happen and we need flexibility. Thats why when you register for these long term classes not only do you save $ but after you take your free classes at the start Bunny converts your attendance into a multi-pass so no matter what you get full credits you can use for each and every session you pay for. Whether its now or sometime in the future.
Multi-passes offer flexibility, If you are registered for the RISE & Draw but cant make one Monday you can take a Friday instead or even an evening session and try out another day/time and timing. So far its been working out great, and they don't have an expiry date. I joe not until I expire. But thats the risk we all take.
That being said registrants have priority seating but we remain first come first serve! Our space only has so much equipment so one day in the future I suspect it'll either be really cramped or we will run out of equipment. But that day hasn't come yet. The first event that was held when we first opened had 43 people, so theres always sitting on the floor. lol

My absolute favourite thing is painting. I'd like to see more people doing it. Whether acrylic or oil, you choose the subject and we work through the challenges. Every painting makes for unique challenges and learning opportunities. These courses keep going back to back throughout the year but I really hope the timelines encourage you to pick up the pace, maybe do some at home and get more paintings done in a professional manner as that is the best way to learn..
If you've never painted maybe now is the time to start.
If you have old materials sitting there bring them by. No need to buy anything new or specific, work with what you have got and move forward.

Special Note:
This Monday January 27th we will be celebrating John Wester's 80th birthday! If you aren't attending the session but are able to drop by, come at the halfway mark of RISE & DRAW, that'll be around 10:30 - 11. So if you don't want to come draw but you want to wish him a happy one come by.
There will be coffee tea and treats. I will be baking a tiramisu brownie and revealing the finished portrait I drew of him. See how it turned out in person.
Okay thats it for now see you in the studio.
Signing off,
aka Brian Batista
