So much exciting studio stuff has been happening as we quickly snowball into the holiday season. In our last blog we covered the Taboo convention and the next weekend we had after that we did a three days of intense drawing weekend at the Draw 'til you Drop event organized by Reva and Yulia held @NVRLND.
The most hardcore. It was so great to see so many atelier artists in attendance and kicking butt with skill as usual. I want to give a very special thanks to John R. and Darryl H. who did me a solid and helped move all the equipment back Sunday night so I could set it up for the RISE & DRAW sesison the next morning. Thanks to all who also came in Monday ('cause they cant get enough figure drawing) thought that was an intense weekend. Below are some images I snapped over the weekend.
Holiday celebrations are coming... (more below) Classes are getting put up on the website for 2024 already. The holiday sale is going well and theres still some items on special until the 21st of December.
Here comes the fine print.......
If you are actually reading this content you will also be happy to know we will have a first time ever boxing day sale on Multi-passes on for their original price when we started offering them so many years ago. Inflationless pricess for a short time following Christmas to get you ready for hunkering down in the new year. This sale will be very quick so dont forget. Good news is there is no limit on quantity so you can stock up and theres no expiry. Be aware and ensure you get those savings before the new year!
Remember last years shindig?!
As many of you know from previous years, I love to throw a good holiday party! Students, drop-ins, models, family, friends, pets.....
If you are reading this, you are invited to the private event. There is no dress code and you dont have to bring a dish but you are welcome to if you want. My instincts are I want to give back by feeding you so SANTA"S SANDWICH STATION will return by popular demand. In addition we will have a specail service from one of our models "Bill Bareitall" as he pours you smoky libations from his side hustle and our hard working John has his book "Turn of Phrase" available for last minute gift ideas. The party starts at 3pm, drinks after 6 and we go until nobody is left standing around.
We have a few more drop in sessions remaining until December 18th. TGIF next week with Rosi starts at 9 am and shes doing thematic holiday inspired poses so be sure to get it in before its too late and you regreat missing all the fun we are having this snowy season. There is so much more to share but I think its best consumed in smaller portions. If you need a reminder how grat the comunity we have here and what you may be missing with the promise that this year will be even better that last year......I'll include some pics from last year below.
Looking forward to seeing more of y'all before the holidays!
Warmly, Bunny