***Below are some important September event dates.

We hope you are all having a great remainder of your summer!
We will resume our regularly scheduled courses and figure drawing sessions in a restricted capacity for the fall semester.
Registration will begin after the Labour Day weekend and will be “first come first serve” with limited space in order to maintain social distancing.
We request that all participants who sign up agree to recognize the city's mask bylaw by wearing one in indoor public spaces and throughout cSPACE.
We insist that participants do not come into our space if they are feeling any of the symptoms outlined on the government website link here:
If you have any questions or concerns about attending classes please let us know beforehand via email atelierartistayyc@gmail.com

Below are some additional dates to note:
September 12 is Bunny’s B-day
September 18 & 19 Art walk events*
September 25- 27 Alberta Culture days*
September 28 Fall semester courses begin
*Special events will be taking place at the studio and if you cannot come in person they will be livestream on the Atelier Artista You tube channel so you can check them out there or in person.

Get in your summer practice before its too late!!!
We have free live streams you can draw along every Wednesday night on the ATELIER ARTISTA You tube channel.
We are getting excited about reopening and look forward to hosting you again this fall =:D